Monthly Astrology Forecast
This service provides you with a detailed reading of this month’s astrological transits and how they will directly affect you. These readings are completely personalized based on your birth chart. You will know what energies you will be working with for the month, what areas of your life will be affected and any potential challenges or wins that may occur. I also include key dates so you know exactly when certain energies are impacting you, as well as journal prompts to help guide you through the month. This allows you to utilize the energies and make spiritually-guided business and life decisions for the month. This reading is done via a 45 min video chat, where you will be able to ask questions and dive deeper into any specifics items.
Birth Chart Reading
Birth Charts (aka Natal Charts) are one of the best ways to get to know yourself and understand the energies you possess. For this service, I will walk you through your natal chart via a 1 hour video chat. This one-on-one reading will give you a look at the ways in which you think, act, love, feel, desire, learn and grow. You will learn how to best utilize the energies you were born with in order to find success. This natal chart reading will also give you insight into your past life and your destiny this lifetime.
Focused Birth Chart Readings
This is a 30-minute astrology reading focused on ONE of the following areas (area to be selected at check-out):
- Karma and Destiny Astrology Reading – This reading is meant to give you an understanding of what you are meant to do and become this lifetime. There are many placements that indicate what areas of life we have karmic healing, what our soul purpose and mission is related to this lifetime and how we go about accomplishing those things. This reading will also give you some insight into your past life.
- Money, Business and Career Reading – This reading provides you with insights as to what career may best suit based on the energies you possess, how you may go about acquiring wealth and what areas contribute to your success. This reading will also inform you of the ways in which you best manifest abundance and experience growth.
- Love and Relationships Reading – With this reading you will understand what you are most attracted to in a partner, what signs/energies would best balance your energies and how you need to be supported in a romantic relationship in order for you to flourish. This reading will also give insights into your sexual energies and attractions.