Author: Jazmine Jarvis


12 Ways to Break Out of a Slump

Life is a series of ups and downs but sometimes we get caught in a cycle of the “downs” or a slump. You’re fatigued, irritated, unmotivated and/or unhappy. You’re not yourself and you may not completely know why you’re in this state but you know you need to get out of it. It happens to …


The Practice That Will Improve Your Mindset and Your Life

grateful sunset

Every day we face tons of responsibilities, worries and roadblocks. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with everything that seems to be going wrong. There are days, weeks, months or even years that feel like our whole world is crashing down. You find yourself screaming, “WHY ME!!”  And it’s not only our own personal issues going …


Relieve Your Anxiety and Stress with Mindfulness

beautiful sunset

I’m sure you’ve heard people preaching about mindfulness but what does it actually mean? And how do you go about being “mindful”? When I was first introduced to the concept I have to admit I didn’t quite understand the practice right away.  Mindfulness is essentially being fully present and in the moment. It’s being aware …


5 Steps to Overcoming Analysis Paralysis

Anyone can become a victim of analysis paralysis and it affects many people on a daily basis. Analysis paralysis is the state of over-analyzing a situation or decision so much so that you never actually make a choice – thus stuck in a paralyzed state of uncertainty. I am the queen of this. It’s frustrating and …