
How to Cleanse and Recharge your Crystals

Crystals are one of the most commonly used metaphysical tools. Many ancient societies used crystals for healing, enlightenment and power. Each crystal posses a different vibrational frequency that correspond with different personal and environmental energies. These natural rocks are millions of years old and formed in the early years of earth’s existence, thus containing infinite amounts of data. Crystals not only emit energy, but they pick it up as well. That’s why it’s ESSENTIAL to regularly cleanse and recharge your crystals. If not, they will either stop working for you or they will have adverse effects due to the negative energy they may have collected. There are many ways to cleanse and recharge your crystals and stones:


To clean a crystal is to rid it of all of the potentially negative energy that it has picked up.


The moon’s rays are so incredibly cleansing not only for you, but for your crystals. Leave your crystals outside in the direct moonlight over night to rid them of any negative energy. This works best when the moon is full, but will be effective in other moon phases as well. If it is not a full moon, leave the crystals out for more than one night.


We cleanse ourselves with water so, of course, you can cleanse your crystals the same way! Natural water sources are preferred (such as oceans and rain), but simply using a bowl of tap water can work just as well. If using tap water, you can add salt or some essential oils to enhance the process. Tea tree oil is a great energetic cleanser for crystals. Add a few drops to a bowl of water and let your crystals soak overnight.


Visualization mediation is another way to rid your crystals of negative energy. Hold your crystal in your hand and close your eyes. Sit here for a moment and embrace the peace and silence. Once you are filled with light and love yourself, give this energy over to your crystal. Picture a bright white light pouring over the crystal, washing away any negative energy trapped inside the crystal. Do this until you intuitively know that your crystal is cleared.


Sage is one of the most common cleansing methods. Light your sage stick until it is smoking. Take the smoking sage and gently wave it around the crystals, allowing the smoke to surround them. While doing this, make sure your thoughts are full of light and love. Repeating a mantra can help enhance this cleansing process: “I am full of light and love. I am cleansed. These sacred crystals are full of light and love. They are cleansed.”


After you cleanse your crystals they need to be recharged so that they are packed with the right energy.


The Sun recharges the entire earth and all of it’s inhabitants so it’s an excellence source of power for crystals! Leave your crystals in direct sunlight for a day and they will be ready to go.


As you are able to use meditation for cleansing, you can also use this method for recharging. Hold your crystal in your hand and close your eyes. Sit here for a moment and embrace the peace and silence. Set an intention for the crystal. What energy do you wish for it to bring to you? Feel that intention inside of you, then give it over to your crystal. Picture a light that matches the color of the crystal. Imagine that light pouring over the crystal and causing the crystal to glow. Do this until you intuitively know that your crystal is charged.

Palo Santo

Palo Santo is sacred wood. To use palo santo for recharging, light your stick until it is smoking. Take the smoking palo santo and gently wave it around the crystal, allowing the smoke to surround it. While doing this, make sure your thoughts are full of the intention and energy you wish to grant the crystal. Repeating a mantra can help enhance this recharging process. The mantra should include the intention that you wish to fill the crystal with. For example, if I wish to recharge a pyrite crystal with the intention to attract wealth and abundance I would say: “I am full of wealth and abundance. I am recharged. This sacred crystal is full of wealth and abundance. It is recharged.”


Quartz crystal only needs to be cleansed as it recharges itself. It also has the ability to charge other crystals as well. Put the crystals you wish to recharge in a bag or bowl with the quartz crystal and leave for 24 hours. It’s recommended that the quartz crystal be larger than the other crystals, so that it has enough energy to give to others.

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